I removed 'form_buffers' function because It has been removed from ActiveAdmin::FormBuilder in last version. See: 'https://github.com/activeadmin/activeadmin/blob/d775bb9edfc96c0d64bdde375fc3db697b77d728/lib/active_admin/views/components/active_admin_form.rb'
Is there any possibility of having a version compatible with Angular 2 (or higher) available? If it is not available we will not be able to migrate to the new...
There is a problem about the numbering of the latest version. In package.json it indicates that it is 4.1.0 but in the announced version it is 4.0.1. Can anyone fix...
When I generate a PNG image, some details are not showed anymore: The original svg image:  The exported image: ![screen shot 2016-10-11 at...
I'd like to see an attached image or video inline in the list of tweets view like in Falcon. See: https://lh3.ggpht.com/y1BMv54wk_ATWVV46lcS8_sKvE7MSQCX67oU4RkAZeblEkemOOsHLjyol14dE4uzaQ=h900-rw
I need to be able to copy a directory and all its directories, respecting the local paths to another directory. This is impossible to do it with this module currently.
### Issue type (mark with `x`) - [ ] :thinking: Question - [x] :bug: Bug report - [ ] :gift: Feature request - [ ] :woman_shrugging: Other ### Version (mark...