Right now the Select2 4.0 is out of beta. Any estimation to make angular-select2 compatible with Select2 4.0 ? https://select2.github.io/announcements-4.0.html
An alternativa is "babel-plugin-angularjs-annotate" (https://github.com/schmod/babel-plugin-angularjs-annotate)
Try the following: form do |f| f.inputs do f.translate_inputs do |t| t.input :title t.input :description end end end
It's already compatible to Rails 4.x See: https://github.com/twintags/activeadmin-translate
It's already solved in this branch: See: https://github.com/twintags/activeadmin-translate Update: March, 19 2015
And why not create a pull request?
It will be GREAT news! Thank you very much!
is there any possibility that this functionality will be available in the near future?
This feature will be nice to have!
@memclutter You have misunderstood. The latest version (v4.0.1) is lower than the version indicated in the package.json. That is the inconsistency. They got confused and instead of writing 4.0.1 they...