Reuben Balik
Reuben Balik
Just installed 0.98 via pip and confirmed that the issue exists in there as well.
Thanks for the fix. We'll try it out here.
The text is better in 0.98.1 but still seems a little odd when compared to 0.97. The window has a lot more empty space and the font is different.
So I forked and started working on a patch that moves the text in dialog boxes back to use tk.Message. This makes the text look a lot nicer and consistent...
Any plans yet on pushing this out to pypi?
Oh yep, not sure how we missed that. Thanks. It's installing ok now. You guys can close this issue.
Hey, any word on when this will be on pypi?
FYI We fixed it by building userland code from source but keeping the same kernel module from the .deb so this might be an issue with the package build
Yeah actually the pool4 was our mistake. We didn't read all the instructions there :) Stats definitely has something weird with the .deb though. When we build from source it...
Is it possible this is related? #882