
Results 8 comments of lew

> Sounds good, but instead of returning the actual message to the client, let's create an error code and document it here: https://next-auth.js.org/errors > > We could use `logger.error(error)` to...

this isn't directly related but i wrote a script using amulet-core to find a specific rly rare ore in a modpack I was playing. with a little adaptation, it could...

Ah, so you mean a way to simply turn OCM on and off rather than toggle? And yes, I can certainly add translatable messages.

@kernitus is it possible that per-user combat could be implemented by wrapping all event listeners in a check that would cancel the listener if the player still wanted to use...

any update on this? 100% happy to help out myself, I'm pretty experienced with TypeScript's typing system and doing weird wonky metaprogramming with it. do you know what part of...

apologies for the previous (since deleted) reply, I had several tabs open and replied to the wrong issue oops the issue is that you have `worlds: [world]` at the root...

just created #174 to hopefully solve this. if you (or anyone facing this issue) want to clone, build and test my fork to see if this solves your issue, that...

> I got a similar issue. Tried the branch in #174 > Was still able to trigger traceback now and then. > > ``` > git clone https://github.com/rayzr522/drill.git > Cloning...