Ray Ward

Results 7 comments of Ray Ward

We have a similar requirement where some clients require stricter ssl. So we're also needing the ability to set ciphers (and the protocols, eg. tls 1.1, 1.2) dynamically on a...

@ghedo thanks for jumping on this! per-connection rather than per-request works for us. I wonder if it would be possible to support dynamic protocols with a change to the nginx/openresty...

Thanks for the insight, yeh I can understand that such a change would likely not go in. We'll have to stick with dynamically building nginx server blocks to meet our...

@bastelfreak any chance of a review on this one?

I doubt existing users will have any automated way of installing this that would affect them in such a way. You could always add a changelog to document the behavioural...

New release would be appreciated!