
Results 13 comments of rayslava

> In particular I'll handle quoted string processing internal to the lexer That's good > but I'm planning on doing it a bit differently. Hmm. It'll be interesting to see...

Mason, do you mean writing an cpu emulator with OpenGL interface? If you work in this tempo you will finish the game faster than Notch… ;)

No, 1.7 is not final, but all latest emulators and assemblers now support this version: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Q4JvQvnM I found link on 0x10cforum and on the page http://0x10cwiki.com/wiki/Assembly_language_syntax It looks like in-game...

I think FASM syntax is the best from x86 assemblers — light and powerful. Why not to imitate it? And "BOR" is frightening me too. My mind can't decrypt such...

I believe they had a private conversation with Notch :) Anyway, adding new opcodes will not destroy something in old ones.

And about site: I'm trying to use jscl on my homepage but compiled interpreter is oriented for work in REPL-mode. Maybe some function more friendly than `eval` should be added?

@Ferada oh! This is definitely solution I was looking for :)

Hm. lisp.evalString disappeared. How can I use jscl.js without REPL now?

Okay, if you need an approval, I agree to the license change. And [email protected] is also me, apparently I've performed commit from office without proper `git config` :)

GPLv3 usage has one not-so-obvious consequence as well: it forbids tivoization explicitly, but this point leads to requirement of access to file system and this may become a blocker sometimes....