Raimund Meyer
Raimund Meyer
When a consuming music service pushes a status pause (from an external control), it is not written to stateMachine.currentStatus, which in turn leads to that switching to play from within...
Sometimes when you select a track, sometime another track is played. Sometimes there's a weird jumping where some other track plays for a second, then another track again a second...
When you are playing spotifiy tracks selected in volumio and you hit pause in the spotify app, volumio instantly continues playing with another track as if you had hit next
In the spotify app, the connection is still active and you can start playback, but playback of other source does not end, spotify sound is not played on volumio
When you disconnect Spotify Connect, the sound is played elsewhere, but in volumio it still looks as if it is still connected. Player controls in this state still work, so...
Artist/Title/Albumart are not shown in the UI. When the next song plays, everything is ok.