Ray Bell

Results 101 comments of Ray Bell

@ahuang11 you may also be interested in https://github.com/raybellwaves/xskillscore/issues/138. May be worth dipping your toe in there before having a crack at multi-category

moved to https://github.com/xarray-contrib/xskillscore/issues/284 leaving open

@elissavetv if you are inclined you are welcome to through looks repos I’ve starred over the years to see if you think they belong here. Most likely my earliest stars...

Read this https://github.com/pangeo-data/awesome-open-climate-science/blob/master/contributing.md There is no definition really. It's more 'things that may of interest'. You can put forward suggestions in either an issue or better yet make a pull...

I think i'm just after the mapping here e.g. `time_dim = ds.cf["time"].name` then would be `ds[time_dim] = ds[time_dim].to_index().tz_localize("UTC").tz_convert("US/Eastern").tz_localize(None).to_numpy())`

Also came across this. At at least when opening I see the same thing "Hi There 👋". Don't suppose there has been any update on this re. this package or...

> Have you tried fs.get(rpath, lpath, recursive=True)? Gives the same output ``` fs.get("file.parquet", "tmp.parquet", recursive=True) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 fs.get(remote_folder + "voyage_vcap_perk_obr.parquet", 2 'tmp.parquet',...

A MCVE is ``` from adlfs import AzureBlobFileSystem storage_options = {'account_name': 'goes'} fs = AzureBlobFileSystem(**storage_options) fs.get('noaa-goes16/ABI-L2-MCMIPF/2020/001/00', '00', recursive=True) ``` This returns ``` >>> fs.get('noaa-goes16/ABI-L2-MCMIPF/2020/001/00', '00', recursive=True) ['noaa-goes16/ABI-L2-MCMIPF/2020/001/00/OR_ABI-L2-MCMIPF-M6_G16_s20200010000216_e20200010009536_c20200010010028.nc', 'noaa-goes16/ABI-L2-MCMIPF/2020/001/00/OR_ABI-L2-MCMIPF-M6_G16_s20200010010216_e20200010019535_c20200010020037.nc', 'noaa-goes16/ABI-L2-MCMIPF/2020/001/00/OR_ABI-L2-MCMIPF-M6_G16_s20200010020216_e20200010029536_c20200010030028.nc', 'noaa-goes16/ABI-L2-MCMIPF/2020/001/00/OR_ABI-L2-MCMIPF-M6_G16_s20200010030216_e20200010039530_c20200010040030.nc',...

actually it does seem to work in the background ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17162724/95154886-e0850180-0760-11eb-8505-25df42fe5ebc.png) Have to find a smaller folder

> Following up. Is this an issue? I believe so. But more of an fsspec issue. The linked s3fs issue has more discussion on this.