Richard Allen White III

Results 21 issues of Richard Allen White III

Hello, I have a .matrix file from FastANI results. I really don't want to run Mash. I just to convert the .matrix file to a newick tree asap. Let me...

Curious as I am looking for a long read mapper that does global over local. many thanks, Rick

Any thoughts on this?


Is there a way to trim Illumina and SE Nanopore and/or Pacbio in a single command? Is nanopore/pacbio well supported with the standard command: fastp -i raw_Pac.fq.gz -o trim_Pac.fq.gz fastp...

Hello, Is there a way to do PE and SE trimming and filtering with one command? Or would you need to do two rounds of trimming? fastp --in1 raw_R1.fq.gz --in2...

y aab, NA->aac, aab->aad, aab->aae ... cre->hqm, bjf->hqn, blu->hqo, bwl->hqp 4 data sets: otu_table: # A tibble: 42,559 x 43 taxon_id otu_id JZ03601 JZ03602 JZ03603 JZ03701 JZ03702 JZ03703 JZ03801 JZ03802...

Hello, I have been trying to upload and parse the data. y

Hello, If I have assembled contigs and just want to annotation/quantify (eggnog4, SEED etc) is that option still available? Not the bins but the contigs directly. I couldn't find it...

Hello, It continues to fail at the blastp step. Any thoughts? cat \/projects\/raw_lab\/Cerberus\/data\/prokka_results_RW1\/\/RW1\.IS\.tmp\.30508\.faa | parallel --gnu --plain -j 8 --block 6121 --recstart '>' --pipe blastp -query - -db /users/taouk/.conda/envs/cerberus_env/db/kingdom/Bacteria/IS -evalue...

Hello, I am wondering if there is a way in kronatools to summarize the tab output based on level? 1 root cellular organisms Bacteria Terrabacteria group Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Corynebacteriales Corynebacteriaceae...