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:snowflake: A PHP library for generating universally unique identifiers (UUIDs).

Results 31 uuid issues
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__unserialize() fails for existing user sessions because 'bytes' isn't set. ## Description We get the following error: ```php ValueError: Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid::__unserialize(): Argument #1 ($data) is invalid #15 /vendor/ramsey/uuid/src/Uuid.php(333): Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid::__unserialize #14 [internal](0):...


Allow static calls to Guid::uuid4() and others see https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/issues/306 Maybe that's not the very best approach, but it should do the trick.


As requested. I opted to re-use FromString in FromHexadecimal as that would catch any short Heexadecimal numbers.


Added a factory method for UUIDv4 with monotonic prefix (COMB codec). ## Description [The documentation](https://uuid.ramsey.dev/en/latest/customize/timestamp-first-comb-codec.html) describes a method of augmenting the standard UUIDv4 generation with an algorithm that substitutes a...


## Description Lambdas not (indirect) referencing $this must be declared static. ## Motivation and context ## How has this been tested? ## Types of changes - [ ] Bug fix...

It seems in April 2021 the draft was updated extensively. Was wondering if the new proposed changes have any affect on your implementation of UUIDv6? Especially because the new draft...


UuidInterface generates deprecated messasge when using in PHP 8.1 ## Description Current UuidInterface implementation is ``` interface UuidInterface extends DeprecatedUuidInterface, JsonSerializable, Serializable ``` and it generates deprecation message ``` Mock_UuidInterface_e896a8df...


hello as said in the title, this : `$uuid = Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid::uuid6() ; $uuid instanceof Ramsey\Uuid\Nonstandard\UuidV6` now returns false... if i do `get_class($uuid)`, i'll get : Ramsey\Uuid\Lazy\LazyUuidFromString object... since i would...

## Describe the bug Using the following code I was able to check whether `$uuidString` is a v1 UUID, ```php $validV1 = UuidV1::fromString('08a527be-8e7a-11e9-bc42-526af7764f64') instanceof UuidV1; ``` Now it returns false,...


Hi, I'm currently having problems to store the optimized byte sequence to my postgres database. I keep getting the error `SQLSTATE[22021]: Character not in repertoire: 7 ERROR: invalid byte sequence...
