uuid icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
uuid copied to clipboard

:snowflake: A PHP library for generating universally unique identifiers (UUIDs).

Results 31 uuid issues
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`echo get_class(Ramsey\Uuid\Guid\Guid::uuid4());` will return `Ramsey\Uuid\Rfc4122\UuidV4`. I didn't expect this behavior at all.


## To Reproduce... ``` $factory = new UuidFactory(new FeatureSet(true)); $guid = $factory->uuid4(); $hex= $guid->getHex(); ``` Throws: ``` Ramsey\Uuid\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: The byte string received does not contain a valid version ```


## Problem-space While working on #324, it became evident that the majority of complexity within this library comes from `Uuid#setFactory()`, which completely switches the behavior of the (supposedly) `@psalm-pure` operations,...


Hi, I have switched to Uuids as primary keys for my doctrine project. All entities have such a field: ``` /** * @var UuidInterface * * @ORM\Id * @ORM\Column(type="uuid", unique=true)...


Would it be possible to add a Uuid::fromHex($hex) function that would basically do the same as this: $hex = new Hexadecimal('0x1EA78DEB37CE625E8F1A025041000001'); $uuid = Uuid::fromBytes((string) hex2bin($hex)); The function could either take...


## Describe the bug Specific version factory, unlike the general one (`RamsayUuid::uuidX()`) should fail if provided string belongs to a different version ## To Reproduce... ```php $uuid4String = RamseyUuid::uuid4()->toString(); $uuid...


To reproduce: ```php $factory = new UuidFactory(); $factory->setCodec(new OrderedTimeCodec($factory->getUuidBuilder())); $a = $factory->uuid1(); $b = unserialize(serialize($a)); var_dump($a->getBytes(), $b->getBytes(), $a->getBytes() === $b->getBytes()); ```


mysql 8 generate ordered uuid before passing it to be saved does OrderedTimeCodec.php compatible with this function (do same arrangment)


My transactions table uses a uuid which is stored as bytes in the database. I would like to know how to search for a partial uuid? Obviously, since we are...


Deprecation Issue in PHP8.1 ## Description Deprecated: Return type of Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid::jsonSerialize() should either be compatible with JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize(): mixed, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice...
