Robin Ambrosius

Results 5 comments of Robin Ambrosius

Another approach I found useful combining with the native Intl.RelativeTimeFormat: ``` const durations = [ { unit: 'seconds', length: 60 }, { unit: 'minutes', length: 60 }, { unit: 'hours',...

For me the following command solved it: `npm install stylus stylus-loader style-loader --save-dev` Solution came from here:

As a workaround you could do a manual redirect in the callback function of the login. Like so: ``` await $sanctumAuth.login( { username: username.value, password: password.value, }, // optional callback...

@Pok09 I tried another way which might work for you. ``` Is user logged in? {{ auth.loggedIn ? 'yes' : 'no' }} What is users name? {{ }} const...

Just ran a quick test of the snippet @betsaleel777 (without the TS type definitions)posted. It works for me and prints the error like it's supposed to.