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What about timeago.js ?
What about timeago.js as alternative (2kb) ?
TimeAgo does not allow you to manipulate dates, like add, subtract, check if a given date is inside or not a given gap... all it seems to be doing if leverage the fromNow()
from momentJs and other into it's own library... or am I wrong?
You are right, but it is a perfect alternative if you only need to print out the elapsed time, no?
You are right, but it is a perfect alternative if you only need to print out the elapsed time, no?
... the vanilla JS version for that functionality alone is a ~10-15 line JS snippet.
export function ago(timestamp: Number, max = 5) {
var strTime = ["second", "minute", "hour", "day", "month", "year"];
var length = ["60", "60", "24", "30", "12", "10"];
var diff:any = Math.floor( / 1000) - timestamp;
if (diff >= 0) {
for (var i = 0; diff >= length[i] && i < max - 1; i++) {
diff = diff / length[i]
diff = Math.round(diff);
return diff + " " + strTime[i] + (diff > 1 ? "s" : "") + " ago";
Another approach I found useful combining with the native Intl.RelativeTimeFormat:
const durations = [
{ unit: 'seconds', length: 60 },
{ unit: 'minutes', length: 60 },
{ unit: 'hours', length: 24 },
{ unit: 'days', length: 30 },
{ unit: 'months', length: 12 },
{ unit: 'years', length: 100 },
let fromNow = Math.round((new Date(date) - new Date()) / 1000)
const foundDuration = durations.find((duration) => {
if (Math.abs(fromNow) >= duration.length) {
fromNow = Math.round(fromNow / duration.length)
return false
return true
return new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat().format(fromNow, foundDuration.unit)
Works for times in the past and future always showing the smallest time unit that is smaller than the unit limit, e.g.
in 5 days
in 1 hour
5 minutes ago
26 days ago