Ralph LeVan

Results 7 comments of Ralph LeVan

Eric, you know how to make changes to DIHconfig.xml. Update the zookeepers, delete the old database, make a new database using the cord configset and fire off the Data Input...

A little late, but I have a way to find out when my database was last updated. http://solr-01:8983/solr/cord/admin/file?wt=json&_=1594418120634&file=dataimport.properties&contentType=text%2Fplain%3Bcharset%3Dutf-8 That will return a file that include the date of the last...

There's also this: http://solr-01:8983/solr/admin/metrics/history?action=status&name=solr.collection.cord That will return a JSON file. status.lastModified is timestamp in seconds. Usual tools will convert that into date and time

Sure. I was just going to write a text document, but I'll look into producing those too

I think we need more than just stopwords. The huge number of "he said" and "she said" suggest that we may want some n-gram exclusion patterns. That would be a...

I absolutely understand and think I understand the priorities. Get it working first! Lipstick later.

I like your enthusiasm, but I doubt we'll get this done by friday.