Rakshit Krishnappa Ravi
Rakshit Krishnappa Ravi
# Description Please include a summary of the change and which issue is fixed. Please also include relevant motivation and context. List any dependencies that are required for this change....
Signed-off-by: Rakshit Krishnappa Ravi
The method [getTransitions](https://github.com/eclipse-cognicrypt/CogniCrypt/blob/2e3d612a295d05812a39963d7a4c74a941e0083d/plugins/de.cognicrypt.codegenerator/src/main/java/de/cognicrypt/codegenerator/generator/StateMachineGraphAnalyser.java#L45-L64) in StateMachineGraphAnalyser is currently unable to handle multiple initial transitions like in [SSLParameters](https://github.com/CROSSINGTUD/Crypto-API-Rules/blob/master/JavaCryptographicArchitecture/src/SSLParameters.crysl) rule. Additionally, it is doesn't return expected transitions when `|` operator is used in...
For a generated predicate, its corresponding assertion in the _usage pattern test_ is expected to be immediately after the statement (that has the object for which predicate is generated). Is...
Refer issue [404](https://github.com/eclipse-cognicrypt/CogniCrypt/issues/404) in CogniCrypt ``` ORDER Gets, Loads, ((GetEntry?, GetKey) | (SetEntry, Stores))* ``` ``` @Test public void keyStoreInvalidTest7() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnrecoverableKeyException, IOException, KeyStoreException, CertificateException, UnrecoverableEntryException { char[] passwordKey...
Below test cases are failing because CryptoAnalysis cannot handle multiple initial transition edges. [PKIXBuilderParameters](https://github.com/CROSSINGTUD/Crypto-API-Rules/blob/78b1809d510c003c1c9735a47109b012d55de5e2/JavaCryptographicArchitecture/src/PKIXBuilderParameters.crysl#L13) ``` @Test public void pKIXBuilderParametersValidTest2() throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { Set trustAnchors = null; CertSelector certSelector = null;...
The method [getAllTransitions](https://github.com/CROSSINGTUD/CryptoAnalysis/blob/1305060a14b90892069965eeae0230c01bbfcf36/CryptoAnalysis/src/main/java/crypto/rules/StateMachineGraph.java#L103) in `StateMachineGraph` is currently unable to handle multiple initial transitions like in `SSLParameters` rule. Additionally, it is doesn't return expected transitions when `|` operator is used in...
Fixes issue #216
Scenario 1 (works fine): creating `RSAKeyParameters` or others properly and passing it to `RSAEngine.init` method Scenario 2 (doesn't work as expected): creating any incorrectly and passing it to `RSAEngine.init` method...
The below test case verifies the usage of `GCMBlockCipher` with `AEADParameters` OR `ParametersWithIV`. But the test case is failing currently since the *ENSURES* section in `GCMBlockCipher` has the conditional predicate...