Rob Miller
Rob Miller
Hi there! I've got amidiminder working on a Libre Le Potato single board computer, running their customize Raspbian, based on Debian 11.6. I had no problems building and installing it,...
Hi there! I've finally figured out how to reliably reproduce this very strange issue I've been having with SooperLooper. Here's how: 1. Create new SooperLooper session (I use slgui) 2....
I've hit a hiccup trying to use gomock w/ gospec b/c creating a gomock controller requires access to the testing object that go usually passes in to tests. Ideally there'd...
When using Ardour on its own, it will default to reopening the last session for given project, as recorded in the `LastUsedSnapshot` tag in the `instant.xml` file at the project...
From Py4JJavaErrorTraceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 merged_beta_full.count() /usr/lib/spark/python/pyspark/ in count(self) 1006 3 1007 """ -> 1008 return self.mapPartitions(lambda i: [sum(1 for _ in i)]).sum() 1009...
From I have a notebook which refuses to upload as a gist. Most of them work fine, but not this one. The symptom is when I click the "save...
From The plotly that comes by default on ATMO clusters is ancient. Please update it to plotly 2.0.8 or something equivalently-recent.
From Related to bug 1365625. Using plotly in local mode on a cluster leads to the following error appearing when trying to save a workbook: Notebook Validation failed: ......