Rob Miller
Rob Miller
Not sure if you're still trying to resolve this, but I was having the same issue and it turned out to be related to needing to give clementine the accessiblity...
Initial task on this is to spend a couple of hours of exploratory work deciding which (if any) of the listed approaches makes the most sense.
I figured out an (obvious in retrospect) workaround to get this working on my laptop, describing it here in case anyone else hits this issue: I installed g++-10 on my...
@jveldridge No, I worked around it. Turned out I was able to appease gomock w/ a simple, fake testing context, see In other news, I haven't been very happy...
On Wed 14 Nov 2012 09:13:33 PM PST, W. Walthall wrote: > I'm curious, what is your use case that requires spec's to run serially? We're using go-notify (for now,...
On Thu 15 Nov 2012 01:03:13 PM PST, W. Walthall wrote: > I'm not the creator of gospec, I'm just a user as yourself. Ah, whoops, sorry. :) > Thanks...
Ah, gotcha. That explains why I couldn't find the code where RaySession launches Ardour... because Ardour itself contains the code, implemented as part of the NSM contract. I'm glad that...
Wendy's code has been merged, assigning to Rob Hudson who will do some final clean-up before closing.
This is really more of a meta-bug, which should ultimately be represented by a handful of other issues breaking this down into multiple pieces. Component issues will be opened soon...
Possibly related: #558, #559.