Rafael Derolez
Rafael Derolez
+1. Getting the same error!
Would love for this to get published to npm as well!
@azz css-tricks has a decent [guide](https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/complete-guide-grid/#article-header-id-19) on this. Maybe `align-items`, `justify-items`, and `justify-content` could come into play here.
It only seems to work when using the following syntax ([which is deprecated in 6.X.](https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#from-version-53x-to-60x)). I suspect dsm-storybook isn't fully compatible with Storybook 6.X. ``` Primary.story = { parameters: {...
Thanks for that @hadihallak! I changed it up a bit to maintain the responsiveness. (See below) This allows me to do `gap={{"@initial": 8, "@bp3": 4}}` which I think isn't really...
@Drakeoon bump 🙏