dsm-storybook-example-library copied to clipboard
React: No stories with DSM component container IDs were found
It's working when I run dsm-storybook preview
But when I run dsm-storybook publish
the cli returns "No stories with DSM component container IDs were found"
import { Story, Meta } from '@storybook/react'
import { ButtonProps } from '@material-ui/core'
import { Button } from './Button'
export default {
title: 'Atoms/Button',
parameters: {
component: Button,
'in-dsm': {
id: '5f8406f3b50e298dd216f0ba',
versionFilePath: '../../../components/versionFile.json',
} as Meta
const Template: Story<ButtonProps> = (args) => <Button {...args} />
export const Primary = Template.bind({})
Primary.parameters = {
'in-dsm': {
id: '5f8406f3b50e298dd216f0ba',
versionFilePath: '../../../components/versionFile.json',
Primary.args = {
variant: 'contained',
color: 'primary',
children: 'Primary Button',
It only seems to work when using the following syntax (which is deprecated in 6.X.). I suspect dsm-storybook isn't fully compatible with Storybook 6.X.
Primary.story = {
parameters: {
'in-dsm': {
id: '<id>',
It seems that implementing a deprecated methodology isn't a good solution here 7 months on.
@mortal94 - Any chance of an update? I'd like to know if this is a bug (as per @rafaelderolez) or a miss-configuration??
@mortal94 I have the same question, is there a timeline for storybook 6 support?