Rafael E. Poveda

Results 5 comments of Rafael E. Poveda

Is there anybody working on the spanish translation? If not i would love to help doing it.

Nobody claim the spanish translation so im going to work on it. I'll send you a PR as soon as it's done. WIP here: https://github.com/raerpo/clean-code-javascript/blob/feature/spanish-translation/README-es.md

@japel Thanks! that would be great. This is the first time i will make an important OS contrib so i appreciate that you help me checking if its OK.

@davidlaym aún estas trabajando en esto? Podria tomarlo en caso de que no?

no será suficiente con un JSON jarcodeado? [como aquí](https://github.com/devschile/huemul/blob/ab234f5bcc8120fd4e263cff154a0a94ec143a30/scripts/que_almorzar.js#L28)