Hello JakeConway, I agree with Berge2015, I'd love to generate side-by-side plots. However, I kind of want to see that taken a step further kind of like the following [from...
Hey Jake, Any progress on the dodging feature? I'd love to use it in some of my figures! -R
Hey Jake, Any news? Thanks! -R
Thanks emmesgit! That's a neat trick. However, your grid.arrange() solution doesn't scale quite as well as dodged barplots would...
Annual bump lol
@jananiravi @acpguedes I'm not really sure how to scale this up if you have more than two "lineages" as shown in @jananiravi's example. But here is my solution for a...
Hey @janstrauss1, I thought I added a txt file with the code to reproduce the plot, but maybe it didn't attach. Here: ` library(UpSetR) test
For others in a similar situation... My partner had an iPhone that wasn't backing up to iCloud (didn't want to pay for the extra storage), so I set up Google...