Raden Muaz Munim
Raden Muaz Munim
Is it possible to do backward_to of a Float variable to itself? Is there a standard way to do something like jax's .hessian, .jacrev, .jacfwd ?
Will DiffDART be like PyBullet but with DART? Or are there plans for Gazebo integration? Since Gazebo doesn't have good Python API like PyBullet, I'd imagine the system would be...
tinygrad port of https://github.com/KinWaiCheuk/nnAudio/blob/master/Installation/nnAudio/features/stft.py inverse STFT uses col2im ported from https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/main/torch/_decomp/decompositions.py#L864 STFT is differentiable. iSTFT is maybe differentiable... my col2im implementation uses mask-multiply trick to gather input elements from col2im...