Rachel Baker
Rachel Baker
What version of WordPress are you running? And is this still an issue?
Thanks for the information, Aaron. Does this happen only when trying to change a page/post template?
Aaron, are you running PHP 5.4? I think that is issue.
Thanks, I will check it out this weekend.
Both php errors are fixed in this commit on the 1-WIP branch: https://github.com/rachelbaker/bootstrapwp-Twitter-Bootstrap-for-WordPress/commit/c3b607a905242d9450a60cde9c1d46f78a069dbc
Oops, looks like there are still errors on the "add new" post or page screens. Looking into if this is fixable.
Phil, Thanks for posting such a smart solution along with the Custom Walker code! I will add it to the next build of the theme and add your name to...
For right now, I am keeping Font-Awesome separate. I have a plugin for integrating Font-Awesome into any WordPress theme: https://github.com/rachelbaker/Font-Awesome-WordPress-Plugin
@diazemiliano Thank you for posting a response with the code fix. I will add to the next release.
Which version are you using?