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Mobile nav menu always fully expanded
I've created a menu with three layers of links. When the menu is expanded on mobile devices, the toggle to expand and contract the 2nd layer of nav links does not work. The menu is expanded by default and will not contract.
I am having the same problem, but I only have 2 layers of links. In mobile view, the entire menu displays as expanded and the toggles to collapse them don't work. The issue shows up on both the default BootstrapWP theme, as well as one I've customized. I would also add that I don't see this issue on, which toggles menu items the way it is supposed to. Any advice on what's going wrong would be appreciated.
Which version are you using?
I am using the v.90 release. Downloaded from
I'm finding the same issue, v.90 release.
I found it... in bootstrapwp.css
line 5793 is
.nav-collapse .dropdown-menu {
position: static;
top: auto;
left: auto;
float: none;
display: block;<--- the culprit!
Change it to
Then below the closing } add
.nav-collapse .open>.dropdown-menu{
that should fix it.
Hi miniwheeze, That almost works, except now the menu doesn't bump the page content down when the dropdowns expand. So if there are more than a couple of sub-links, they go behind the page.
I was getting that same issue
So I reset the stylesheet without any other edits and it worked just fine.
Have you redefined the height of the navbar?
I'm working through the template and my failed version to see what caused that problem. I'll let you know if I find it.
edit I Have been working off of my reset version (after applying the above edit first) and i've not had any more issues.
Execpt when I got rid of the sub-link dropdown-toggle caret, I wasn't specific enough in the path and I encountered the background nav-collapse.
hope this helps.
This is still an issue with v3.0.0
Is there a new issue with this?
Hello there I have made a wordpress blog and while opening the blog in mobile the menus are appearing in the form of a drop-down button and I want to remove that and instead of that, I want to show the name of categories to the user how can I do it? Please help me for that.