rafael buono
rafael buono
As a User I would like to attribute different levels of permission to a Sample Type so that different members of my team can view, edit, or manage it. Sample...
As a User I would like to see who created a Sample Type and when it was created so that I can contact this person to: ask for instructions, ask...
**Describe the bug** In `Batch permission changes`. When Samples are assigned to an Assay they disappear from the `Items not in ISA`, but they don't appear under their ISA asset...
When citing the use of the FAIR Cookbook in other projects, we try to make use of FAIR Cookbook visuals whenever it is possible. It would be nicer to have...
Using ISA API v 0.12.2 and Python 3.8.10 When trying to validate an isajson.json file I get the following output: > 2021-10-22 09:49:00,414 [INFO]: isajson.py(validate:1406) >> ISA JSON Validator from...
Based on discussions from the Samples WG. Request: Add a pop-up explanation for the “required” checkbox to be disabled. Something along the lines of “Not possible because there are Samples...
As discussed in the Samples WG. For existing Sample Types. Allow for edits that do not lead to validation conflicts with existing Samples. Allow the following changes: - An Attribute...
As discussed in the Samples WG, adding optional Attributes to existing Sample Types should be allowed. Following issue #1199 , the pool of users who can edit a Sample Type...
When trying to access https://w3id.org/faircookbook/FCB074 one gets a 404 `file not found`
The `comment_schema.json` in the repo at: isatools/resources/schemas/isa_model_version_1_0_schemas/core/comment_schema.json Is different from the one at the read the docs: https://isa-specs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/isajson.html#comment-schema-json The `"@id": { "type": "string", "format": "uri" },` property is missing in...