FYI, I could work around it by using StartAllBack-3.3.3
logs (not debug sry) since start of 14.3 massad service [testnet_14.3.txt](https://github.com/massalabs/massa/files/9587287/testnet_14.3.txt) RAM + CPU started going up unreasonably between 22h40m and 22h45m and network traffic started being unstable too Also,...
I'm having the exact same issue using the latest code (at the time of writing). I can create a HOST record, fine. If I create another one using the same...
in apy.py, line 304, if I replace ``` current_object = ib_obj_ref[0] ``` with ``` current_object = obj_filter ref =None ``` I get the expected behavior. Not sure about other use...