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nios_host_record multiple issues
We are attempting to use nios_host_record to write entries into ipam. I have noticed several inconstancies with the module. Two of the major issues is the following.
1.) If I create a host entry to ipam in the network default view as illustrated below, it will create the record. But if I rerun that same play with the exact same data. 9 times out of 10 it will create a duplicate host entry, instead of recognizing that the record already exists.
- name: test-record-1
- address:
view: default
comment: 'test'
state: present
2.) If I try and modify a host record that is in a DNS view. None of the add: or remove: parameters are recognized in the module.
{"changed": false, "msg": "Unsupported parameters for (nios_host_record) module: remove found in ipv4addrs. Supported parameters include: configure_for_dhcp, ipv4addr, mac"}
We are running nios 8.5.2 and utilizing infoblox.nios_modules 1.2.1
I have opened a ticket up with Infoblox premium support on this issue. These issues make this module next to impossible to utilize at all in it's current state. Requiring our technicians to make all changes manually in the gui. Anything you could do to resolve these issues would be extremely helpful. Thank you..
I'm having the exact same issue using the latest code (at the time of writing). I can create a HOST record, fine. If I create another one using the same name but with a different IP it will modify the existing one with the new IP and create the other HOST with the provided IP.
I end up with 2 HOST records with same name and same IP as I need 2 HOST with same name but different IPs.
in, line 304, if I replace
current_object = ib_obj_ref[0]
current_object = obj_filter
ref =None
I get the expected behavior. Not sure about other use cases though.