quark cao
quark cao
适配 chrome canary 更新
gl.getParameter(gl.VIEWPORT) 有时耗时超过5 ms 不建议强制使用,建议手动管理 checkFramebufferStatus 检查耗时非常高,建议删除
the following vert shader shuld be ok ` attribute vec2 position; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(position, 0, 1); } ` while analysis show " [Error [SyntaxError]: Expected "(" or...
it's much elegant to use it with npm, i'm going to release it with npm
how can I change the fliter config of offscreentarget (texture) from gl.NEAREST to gl.LINEAR ? since gl.NEAREST may cause aliasing ……
Resolves #1804 getImageData and put imageData is very slow, so I change imageData to Canvas, if you want use imageData, you must use getImageData by yourself in Filter
the api getImageData is very slow beacause it need gpu convert data to cpu, why not just set the filterContext as the input of filters? which could get filter canvas...
Resolves #1804 this is another solution to solve the issue(the firset one is #1806 )