
Results 17 issues of qsh-zh

Thanks for your [blog](https://wikimatze.de/vimtex-the-perfect-tool-for-working-with-tex-and-vim/). I do benefit a lot. I have a small question about backward search. On my machine, the ctrl+left click does backward search instead of ctrl-enter. It...

Details ## Problem Description Pytorch DQN fails on MountainCar. Try two settings in [the issue](https://github.com/vwxyzjn/cleanrl/issues/156) ## Checklist - [x] I have installed dependencies via `poetry install` (see [CleanRL's installation guideline](https://docs.cleanrl.dev/get-started/installation/)....

It is really inconvenient to debug ros programs without supportive tools and resulted in wasting a lot of time. Considering the community lack of necessary tutorial for effective debug, can...


Thanks for your code. I notice in generator models, the implementation uses the same noise across different generator blocks. ```python inoise = inoise[:, :x.shape[2], :x.shape[3], :] noise1 = self.to_noise1(inoise).permute((0, 3,...

Thanks for your clean implementation sharing. I try on celeba datasets. After 150k steps, the generated images are not well as it claimed in the paper and the flowers you...

I observed something strange about computation time for brownain interval ```python sde.cnt = 0 %timeit -n 2 -r 7 torchsde.sdeint(sde, y0, th.tensor([0.0, 1.0]), dt=0.01, method="euler") print(sde.cnt) # 1.87 s ±...

Do we have something similar to `jax.jit` in functorch that can accelerate calculations?

Thanks for open sourcing the awesome repo. However, I am running experiments and consistently get the inf loss no matter how I change the hyperparameters (even set learning rate to...

Hi Isaac, thanks for your work. But I do not know how to label the points of the plane? What kind of efficient tools can I use to mark out...

I find there are shifts if we run cube2equi and equi2cube. How can we avoid or decrease such shifts ```py cube_xt = rearrange(xt, "(b n) c h w -> b...