Oh, wow, thank you for the tip! I never thought of scanning a generator with the E-scanner, but it does tell you the NE/s value! You are right that having...
Can confirm that 1 is fixed in Futurepack version 21.0.3.
Hmm, is Liquified Neon actually obtainable in survival? I haven't seen it in dungeons and there is no crafting recipe. If it is not obtainable in survival, then this bug...
The issue is still present in 1.16.4
The same behavior seems to persist in 1.16.4 (Futurepack version: 21.0.4). Here are some clips of the Forestmaster and the Miner drones not working correctly: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32312262/103528582-7f1a1f00-4e84-11eb-895f-3aa98790b6e2.mp4 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32312262/103528586-82ada600-4e84-11eb-8dea-5a3b41179a38.mp4
> Thank you! But for me its even worse. The mining drone station just breaks itself! Actually, when I first tried the Mining drone, it also broke the Drone Station....
If you want to get rid of the unclickable drones, you can use the command: /kill @e[type=futurepack:miner]
I did some testing and drones seem to be working as intended, as far as I can tell!
Always, as far as I can tell.
Well, you can always copy blocks with all of their NBT data using Control + Middle click, but I guess that doesn't protect against accidentally destroying stuff.