这些方法是不是有bug, 还是啥的,提供之后呢,再就可以外部控制,特别是灰度发布的时候要用到的啊
> 一样有这个问题 **链接: 提取码: eu3k 如果百度网盘不能下载,可以直接下载本项目,其中Python Code.zip就是所有的源代码**   都不能下载“ 这个什么的链接,可以发一下我的邮箱么 [email protected]
> The cache is partitioned into multiple LRUs, hashed to by key, and sized by the concurrency level (default 4). If you set to that to `1` then it will...
按你说的调试evict相关的方法,如下图:  但是我看代码是调用到了accessQueue属性去删除第一个元素,但是我用的是expireAfterWrite, 不是expireAfterAccess方法,这是bug吗?accessQueue中的每个元素的accessTime都是9223372036854775807为什么? 截图如下:  版本:guava-20.0.jar
> You'd need to provide a failing unit test instead of screenshots to debug on my side. I don't recall ever observing Guava performing significantly differently from LRU in [simulations](,...
> expireAfterWrite q > The reader thread's intent is that `k_0` and `k_1` are the most recently used items so they should not be size evicted. Therefore the least recently...
> No, but in your test case the expiration period is large enough to never occur. The duration of `expireAfterWrite` will be reset when the entry is created or updated...
> reference.setUrl的设计主要是为了直连provider,如果是直连provider的话,那么url(protocol://ip:port/path)可以看作一个服务连接的最小单元,从设计上来讲path不应该被拆分出来。 这个东西是可以扩展的,用来做数据隔离区分的还是非常有用的,比如这个场景:一个dubbo接口被不同的应用实现了,这时要回调某个项目的这个dubbo接口,用path会非常方便(groupId,version,tag都有特定的含义不方便用在这个地方)。