dubbo-admin copied to clipboard
- [ ] I have searched the issues of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate.
- [ ] I have checked the REAMDE of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate.
- Dubbo version: 0.3.0-SNAPSHOT
- Registry center detail (type and version): zookeeper
- Operating System version: win7
- Java version: jdk8
Steps to reproduce this issue
- 为啥把org.apache.dubbo.admin.service.ProviderService的四个enableProvider、disableProvider、doublingProvider、halvingProvider给去掉了?
- 有替代方法吗?
Pls. provide [GitHub address] to reproduce this issue.
Expected Result
What do you expected from the above steps?
Actual Result
What actually happens?
If there is an exception, please attach the exception trace:
Just put your stack trace here!
您这边需要这几个方法有什么用途吗? 我看了下提交,这几个方法在2年前就已经去掉了,历史代码在这里: https://github.com/apache/dubbo-admin/blob/1177f83544ae0394cdb719336dd17bf5cb8f46f0/dubbo-admin-backend/src/main/java/org/apache/dubbo/admin/service/impl/ProviderServiceImpl.java 我们可以发起一个讨论, 如果讨论结果是这些方法有必要的话,我们把它恢复.
这些方法是不是有bug, 还是啥的,提供之后呢,再就可以外部控制,特别是灰度发布的时候要用到的啊
这些方法是不是有bug, 还是啥的,提供之后呢,再就可以外部控制,特别是灰度发布的时候要用到的啊
非常抱歉. 不太清楚之前移除的原因. 我们会把相关功能加回, 不过这需要一些时间, 因为现在dubbo提供了应用级服务注册, 我们需要重新设计一下相关功能
configVersion: v2.7
scope: application
key: demo-provider
enabled: true
- addresses: [""]
side: provider
disabled: true
相关文档 https://dubbo.apache.org/zh/docs/advanced/config-rule/ 。