
Results 34 issues of Lexi

**I am currently running** - SpongeForge version: N/A - SpongeVanilla version: 1.12.2-7.4.7 - Java version: 1.8.0_313/32-bit (Temurin) - Operating System: Windows 10 (10.0/x86) - Plugins/Mods: Just my test plugin 🙂...

system: inventory
version: 1.12 (u)

The `Audience#playSound(Sound)` method from Sponge 7's platform breaks (i.e. stops playing sounds) after the target player dies and respawns. Relogging fixes the issue (due to the creation of a new...

platform: sponge

I've been trying to detect player kills on a few maps by detecting when a player gets a point but it's not the most reliable... also is annoying for when...


Adds several methods to the `World` for interacting with Minecraft's `RecipeManager`, allowing you to get a recipe via assorted means (such as by providing a container block or collection of...

comments/explanations are a bit lacking


I've messed with every setting from time tracking to wait timeout and nothing seems to fix this: [6180 the moon](https://store.steampowered.com/app/299660/6180_the_moon/)'s inputs are not deterministic. This can be tested with the...

- [x] ~~Check for remaining conversions from isDirectory and fix them~~ - [x] ~~Disable letterboxing by default~~ - [x] ~~Fix Android scaling issue~~ - [x] ~~Fix color-sensitive slope tileset issues~~...

Just shuffle everything


Only affects ~~multiplayer~~ 1.20.2. ~~Also I thiink camera lock and freeze were broken client side too~~

platform: fabric

# TL;DR - The mod currently recommends the Fabric mod loader. It supports Fabric on 1.19.2 and above. The Fabric ecosystem is rich with new mods and developer tools being...

help wanted