When there are multiple publisher nodes publishing messages simultaneously, sometimes the subscription seems to be blocking. We need to investigate why some messages are lost. I'll provide more useful information...
Many roslibjs APIs depend on the `actionlib` feature, which is implementing in `rclnodejs` at present. Since `rclnodejs` is a dependency of `ros2-web-bridge`, when this feature is implemented, the bridge should...
Currently the example html files are all like this: ``` ... // inline JS code calls roslibjs API // div elements ``` We suggest to put the inline JavaScript code...
According to the [protocol spec](https://github.com/RobotWebTools/rosbridge_suite/blob/develop/ROSBRIDGE_PROTOCOL.md#321-set-status-level--status_level--experimental), `set_level` is a response operation from the `ros2-web-bridge` to the `roslibjs`. However, there is a API in `roslibjs`: [Ros.setStatusLevel](https://github.com/RobotWebTools/roslibjs/blob/develop/src/core/Ros.js#L143) ``` Ros.prototype.setStatusLevel = function(level, id){ var...
In terms of the subscribe-related operations, like `subscribe` and `unsubscribe`, the `id` field is to identify the subscriptions when the `topic` is same. According to the rosbridge v2 protocol [subscribe](https://github.com/RobotWebTools/rosbridge_suite/blob/develop/ROSBRIDGE_PROTOCOL.md#344-subscribe)...
It seems the `auth` operation is not intergrated with the bridge as `rosauth.js` is never required or referred by the bridge implementation. The authentication function is implemented, though.
Currently, the bridge provides web socket interface by ``` ws://localhost:9090 ``` In that case, all the security-related operations (`auth`) data is exposed in the socket transmission. What about using web...
When `roslibjs` interacts with a ros bridge, it sends JSON format requests based on the [protocol](https://github.com/RobotWebTools/rosbridge_suite/blob/develop/ROSBRIDGE_PROTOCOL.md). For example, there is an API: `Ros.setStatusLevel()`. > Ros.setStatusLevel(level, id) When we call `Ros.setStatusLevel('error',...