
Results 23 issues of qshi

https://github.com/microsoft/human-pose-estimation.pytorch/blob/18f1d0fa5b5db7fe08de640610f3fdbdbed8fb2f/lib/utils/transforms.py#L57 dst_dir = np.array([0, dst_w * -0.5], np.float32) dst[1, :] = np.array([dst_w * 0.5, dst_h * 0.5]) + dst_dir I can get `dst[1, 1] == (dst_h-dst_w)*0.5` but Why?? why not...


from pytorch1.5 to onnx,then convert onnx to caffemodel with your code but the output of caffemodel is zero why? [onnx_pytorchv1.5.zip](https://github.com/MTlab/onnx2caffe/files/4626459/onnx_pytorchv1.5.zip)

Hello,thank you for your share.but i encounter some problems as follows: No such file or directory: '/with SPN/conv1/W.npy' "self.load_weights('/Users/shashank/TensorFlow/with SPN/weights/')" "self.sess.run(var.assign(np.load(path+var.name.split('/')[0]+'/b.npy')))" I guess the lack of files!!!

do you know public dataset that can prove my algorithm works

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23293902/49873334-91b4fc00-fe56-11e8-867b-f37540db9a89.png) the mistake occurs when detecting nothing! The score of background is the highest!

Do you try to combine two methods?

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23293902/53930766-7bbd7d00-40cd-11e9-8ee0-8a84facc6be2.png) 这个结果和Repulsion loss一样都变差了,也是奇怪的很!希望作者贴出他的实验结果!