Results 8 issues of qingzhouzhen

I want to pretrain pvanet on ImageNet, but can not find the details arguments such opotimizer, how to initilize weight and so on.(except learning rate and 192*192 I found in...

Dear miraclewkf, I am interested in deeping learning and try my best to reproduce result of article, would you mind I adapte your code to []( here or [](, I...

如题,job client支持多语言提交任务吗?比如python,scala r语言

我只想检测图片中是否有物体,而不管他的类别,类似SS(Selective Search), 我搜了一圈,最近3年都没有相关的文章,只有物体检测的,是我没有搜索对吗?

I want detect generic object in a picture regradless of classes of the object such as SS(Selective Search), however I have not found any article talk about it in recent...

I notice "Two stage refinement does not bring an improvement over the single-stage CenterPoint" in article, is there any specific experiment? for example they are exactly the same or low...

why CenterPoint trans yaw (box3d[:, -1] = -box3d[:, -1] - np.pi / 2) in data processer and trans it back (box3d[:, -1] = -box3d[:, -1] - np.pi / 2) in...

Did you tried your net on imagenet? I tried your shufflenet on mxnet with serveal lr, but it did not converge. I want implement shufflenet with gluon.