bui quoc hung

Results 12 issues of bui quoc hung

I have two problem: 1. I change exposure level to brighter, then start record, it's automatic reset to balance level, it's not happen when I change exposure to darker. 2....

I make JTCalendar into custom view and show hide like popup, all thing is OK until I change timezone, day in layout is wrong so I pick wrong date. It...

I new to hubot, How I can make the bot detect first time user login and the bot will send a message in chat directly?

I want all tab have same size so I setting useDynamicSize to NO and change size of view in xib, it work well but have problem, space is left not...

I found this issue when swiping back and release instantly so it keeps in current view, and then push to a new view, navigation stack facing this issue. Detail please...

I want use both camera feeds at the same time in my app, have any option for that?

How to set cell width is full screen width and height is auto? Or another way I can calculate size by myself for each cell? Thanks.

I got reject from apple when using CoreLocation to get wifi SSID, because of my app only use this to detecting current wifi and this is not enough to pass...

Help me. When I change left menu item to other color and I swipe menu show on top like this picture ![my app][1] [1]: http://i.imgur.com/CyAKhFk.jpg (my app) If menu item...

I try to make header stick when scrolling up and move down with other when contentOffset.y < 0. It works when scrolling slowly but when scroll so fast header move...