Jason Schmidt

Results 71 issues of Jason Schmidt

## Hello! - Vote on this issue by adding a 👍 reaction - To contribute a fix for this issue, leave a comment (and link to your pull request, if...


### Proposed changes Fixes a typo in the jenkinsfile, along with ensuring that passwords are all handled via a jenkins variable. ### Checklist Before creating a PR, run through this...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** See #182 for some of the issues we are seeing with updates to Kubernetes. We need to do a better...

**Describe the bug** While testing the automation-api branch, the following errors are thrown on run: ``` digitalocean:index:ContainerRegistry (shared-global-container-registry): error: could not validate provider configuration: 4 errors occurred: * Invalid or...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Within the ingress_controller project, we receive the hostname and/or IP address of the external IP that we are assigned based...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** The reorganization process split several pieces of logic into two main paths: 1. Logic for working with an AWS managed...


**Describe the bug** This is currently showing on both Minikube and K3s (which is as far as testing has gone). When running against K8 1.24, failures are thrown when the...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** With the conversion of AWS, DO, and LKE deploys to the automation API we have a clean code path for...

**Describe the bug** The following error is thrown building our cluster.... ``` View Live: https://app.pulumi.com/qdzlug/do-k8s/jaymara203/updates/2 + pulumi:pulumi:Stack do-k8s-jaymara203 creating digitalocean:index:KubernetesCluster do-jaymara203-cluster error: digitalocean:index/kubernetesCluster:KubernetesCluster resource 'do-jaymara203-cluster' has a problem: Attribute must...

**Describe the bug** When trying to deploy to DO the following errors are thrown: ``` Project [container-registry] selected: /home/jschmidt/repos/kic-reference-architectures/pulumi/python/infrastructure/digitalocean/container-registry Updating (jaymara203) View Live: https://app.pulumi.com/qdzlug/container-registry/jaymara203/updates/4 pulumi:pulumi:Stack container-registry-jaymara203 Creating new global Digital...