Hi, is there an option to combine ipywidgets with a tkinter gui? So if I click a tkinter button the ipywidget window will open? I have the code I want...
Hello, I know this is not a DECIMER problem but do you know how to solve the following error: 2022-08-13 11:49:01.216206: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library 'cudart64_110.dll'; dlerror:...
Hello, when I run the code I get this error: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'dtype' What can I do?
Hi, I'm trying to make the image2smiles work. import chembl_beaker smi=image2smiles(r'path to img') print('smi') I get the error rhat image2smiles is not defined. I would be very happy about some...
Is there a way to incorporate this in to a python script with "import chemtype2 x=image2smiles(r'pathtoimage') print(x)" or some thing similar?
How can I impement this into my own python script as a libary?
I've tried to install pyside2 with pip, and it showed it under my packages. But when I tried accessing it through spyder, which workes perfectly fine with all the other...
How can I include ChemPixCH in my own Python script?
Could you maybe provide a documentation on how to include your library into a self written program? That would help alot. :-)