Related to #258. @espher1987, add 1 day to your retrieval will give you the data you want: ``` amzn
@joshuaulrich You are partly right. I ran the same code, but now for dates in the summer. Europe and Australia are correct, but the Americas are still of. So Australia...
Additional tests: 1. AlphaVantage doesn't have a from / to option, so that test just returns all the data for the last 100 days but at least including today. 2....
Is it possible to move the xlsx package to suggests instead of imports. Or maybe switch to openxlsx instead. There are less dependencies with that package. And no java dependency....
I can see where you are coming from if we consider measurement or stock data. But xts is not just built for stock data. The use cases for rounding down...
@sushant-choudhary , A late answer, but the package matrixStats has all these functions available for columns and rows. Using the example above that would be: `apply.weekly(x, matrixStats::colSds)`
Yep, looks like a bug to me too. I just ran into the same issue. If the data is in an xts form the `to.period` function correctly. When using `tq_transmute`,...
I can see two ways of solving this. One rename the x variable in the code to something else. Ideally after the `check_x_y_valid` check. Doing something like this works. And...