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getSymbols.yahoo wrong retrievals when from and to dates are supplied

Open pverspeelt opened this issue 6 years ago • 11 comments


When specifying the from and to periods in getSymbols with source yahoo the expected results are often incorrect. I tested this on several markets (US, Europe, Argentina and Australia) and only the data from Europe is correct. Either you are missing the last requested date (from) or in the Australian case you even get an earlier date you didn't specify. Setting your system to the local timezone makes no difference.

I just want people to be aware of this issue as this is not something that can be solved by quantmod. The data sent to yahoo the yahoo servers is correct, but if you look in the temp file that captures the yahoo data that is sent back, you can see that incorrect results are returned by yahoo.

This might be related to issue #237.

It once more makes it clear that free data comes with it's own issues.

Expected behavior

I expected that outside of holidays the data would be returned when specifying the from and to dates.

Minimal, reproducible example

# Europe Brussels, US, Argentina, Australia
symbols <- c("FAGR.BR", "MSFT", "PAMP.BA", "SUN.AX")
stock_list <- lapply(symbols, 
                     from = "2018-11-07",
                     to = "2018-11-09",
                     auto.assign = F)

           FAGR.BR.Open FAGR.BR.High FAGR.BR.Low FAGR.BR.Close FAGR.BR.Volume FAGR.BR.Adjusted
2018-11-07        14.90        15.34       14.89         15.33         109657            15.33
2018-11-08        15.35        15.44       14.93         14.95          74946            14.95
2018-11-09        14.87        14.89       14.63         14.67          64319            14.67

           MSFT.Open MSFT.High MSFT.Low MSFT.Close MSFT.Volume MSFT.Adjusted
2018-11-07    109.44    112.24   109.40     111.96    37901700        111.96
2018-11-08    111.80    112.21   110.91     111.75    25644100        111.75

           PAMP.BA.Open PAMP.BA.High PAMP.BA.Low PAMP.BA.Close PAMP.BA.Volume PAMP.BA.Adjusted
2018-11-07        50.60         51.3        49.9         50.15         689643            50.15
2018-11-08        49.95         51.8        49.0         50.00         844107            50.00

           SUN.AX.Open SUN.AX.High SUN.AX.Low SUN.AX.Close SUN.AX.Volume SUN.AX.Adjusted
2018-11-06       13.94       14.03     13.785        13.83       2273201           13.83
2018-11-07       13.88       14.06     13.880        13.99       1944805           13.99
2018-11-08       13.90       14.14     13.900        14.08       1911448           14.08

Session Info

R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows >= 8 x64 (build 9200)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=Dutch_Netherlands.1252  LC_CTYPE=Dutch_Netherlands.1252    LC_MONETARY=Dutch_Netherlands.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                       LC_TIME=Dutch_Netherlands.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] quantmod_0.4-13 TTR_0.23-4      xts_0.11-2      zoo_1.8-4      

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_3.5.0  tools_3.5.0     curl_3.2        yaml_2.2.0      grid_3.5.0      lattice_0.20-35

pverspeelt avatar Nov 13 '18 17:11 pverspeelt

This seemed familiar to me, and I searched and found the analysis you did for #211. Do you think this is the same or related?

joshuaulrich avatar Nov 15 '18 02:11 joshuaulrich


You are partly right. I ran the same code, but now for dates in the summer. Europe and Australia are correct, but the Americas are still of. So Australia is indeed related to issue #211. But for the Americas it is a different issue. Most people will not notice it because they either use the default retrieval settings or just set the start date.

I haven't tested if this occurs with alphaVantage or Tiingo. I will give that a go later today.

stock_list_summmer <- lapply(symbols, 
                      from = "2018-08-15",
                      to = "2018-08-17",
                      auto.assign = F).

           FAGR.BR.Open FAGR.BR.High FAGR.BR.Low FAGR.BR.Close FAGR.BR.Volume FAGR.BR.Adjusted
2018-08-15        16.29        16.32       16.05         16.14         198152            16.14
2018-08-16        16.10        16.24       15.94         16.09         117223            16.09
2018-08-17        16.01        16.20       15.92         16.03          93161            16.03

           MSFT.Open MSFT.High MSFT.Low MSFT.Close MSFT.Volume MSFT.Adjusted
2018-08-15    108.49    108.99   106.82     107.66    29982800      107.1969
2018-08-16    108.30    108.86   107.30     107.64    21384300      107.1770

           PAMP.BA.Open PAMP.BA.High PAMP.BA.Low PAMP.BA.Close PAMP.BA.Volume PAMP.BA.Adjusted
2018-08-15        38.85         39.2       38.00         38.25        1125010            38.25
2018-08-16        38.75         39.4       37.55         38.30        1176490            38.30

           SUN.AX.Open SUN.AX.High SUN.AX.Low SUN.AX.Close SUN.AX.Volume SUN.AX.Adjusted
2018-08-15       15.19       15.19      15.00        15.03       9117934           15.03
2018-08-16       15.10       15.38      15.01        15.34       3638013           15.34
2018-08-17       15.29       15.29      15.12        15.22       2387092           15.22

pverspeelt avatar Nov 15 '18 09:11 pverspeelt

Additional tests:

  1. AlphaVantage doesn't have a from / to option, so that test just returns all the data for the last 100 days but at least including today.

  2. Tiingo returns the data from MSFT correctly. But Tiingo doesn't have the data for the Argentinian stock nor for the European and Australian ones.

pverspeelt avatar Nov 15 '18 17:11 pverspeelt

Yahoo Finance is adding subscriptions in January: https://www.axios.com/verizon-restructures-media-division-launches-subscriptions-1541966320-7cc14b71-89b4-4ea2-86be-a36b378e8cce.html

evelynmitchell avatar Nov 16 '18 22:11 evelynmitchell

They expect people to pay for cr** data? Wow

braverock avatar Nov 17 '18 00:11 braverock

There is a line in quantmod::getSymbols.yahoo to set the end-date of the interval: to.posix <- .dateToUNIX(to) .dateToUNIX uses as.Date() which 'ignores' the entire time of the day. Here are the tests:

> quantmod:::.dateToUNIX('2018-11-09')
[1] 1541721600						# this end-time is currently used
> as.POSIXct(1541721600, origin = "1970-01-01", tz='UTC')
[1] "2018-11-09 UTC"					# which is midnight UTC, zero seconds
> as.POSIXct(1541721601, origin = "1970-01-01", tz='UTC')	# let check one second later
[1] "2018-11-09 00:00:01 UTC"				# midnight + 1sec, day barely started
> as.numeric(as.POSIXct('2018-11-09 23:59:59', origin = "1970-01-01", tz='UTC'))
[1] 1541807999	# with this real end-of-day UTC time, results are correct, see below

handle <- quantmod:::.getHandle(list(), force.new = TRUE)
symbols <- c("FAGR.BR", "MSFT", "PAMP.BA", "SUN.AX")
from.posix <- quantmod:::.dateToUNIX('2018-11-07')
to.posix <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct('2018-11-09 23:59:59', origin = "1970-01-01", tz='UTC'))
stock_list <- setNames(lapply(symbols, function(sym) {
  yahoo.URL <- paste0('https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/',sym,
  read.csv(curl::curl(yahoo.URL, handle = handle$ch), na.strings = "null")
}), symbols)
        Date  Open  High   Low Close Adj.Close Volume
1 2018-11-07 14.90 15.34 14.89 15.33  15.16382 109657
2 2018-11-08 15.35 15.44 14.93 14.95  14.78794  74946
3 2018-11-09 14.87 14.89 14.63 14.67  14.51097  64319

        Date   Open   High    Low  Close Adj.Close   Volume
1 2018-11-07 109.44 112.24 109.40 111.96  109.2506 37901700
2 2018-11-08 111.80 112.21 110.91 111.75  109.0457 25644100
3 2018-11-09 110.85 111.45 108.76 109.57  106.9184 32039200

        Date  Open High   Low Close Adj.Close Volume
1 2018-11-07 50.60 51.3 49.90 50.15     50.15 689643
2 2018-11-08 49.95 51.8 49.00 50.00     50.00 844107
3 2018-11-09 50.00 50.0 48.25 49.35     49.35 519031

        Date    Open    High     Low   Close Adj.Close  Volume
1 2018-11-07 14.3563 14.4490 14.1967 14.2430   12.7825 2207278
2 2018-11-08 14.2945 14.4799 14.2945 14.4078   12.9304 1888405
3 2018-11-09 14.3151 14.5623 14.3151 14.5005   13.0136 1856016

Double checking with the other sample interval 2018-08-15 to 2018-08-17 gives correct results as well. Since Yahoo deals with stock exchanges all over the world and requires timestamps (not dates), probably it tracks time at this scale - seconds.
Therefore to.posix in quantmod::getSymbols.yahoo may have a problem.

EDIT: this is bigger than I thought... Suppose to.posix is fixed, for instance like so to.posix <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(paste0(as.character(to),' 23:59:59'), origin = "1970-01-01", tz='UTC')) When getSymbols is called without a 'to' date, it will return (surprise, surprise) an additional row with today's date OHLCV values. Until now we were thankful to get data up to yesterday, e.g. print(getSymbols('IBM', from='2020-06-01', auto.assign=FALSE)) and eventually call getQuote for today's values. Thus the fix could break user code currently in place.

helgasoft avatar Jun 05 '20 22:06 helgasoft

Revisiting this and I found that Yahoo itself provides unexpected times when you download the data from their site. Here's the URL I get when I go to the historical data page for FAGR.BR (Brussels exchange) and click the "download" link:


Note the values for period1 and period2. They correspond to 2022-07-27 21:32:07 CDT and 2023-07-27 21:32:07 CDT in my timezone, respectively. But it was only 14:32:07 CDT when I visited the site.

My timezone is a negative offset from UTC, so they're even further in the future if I convert the numbers to POSIXct in UTC: .POSIXct(1690511527, tz = "UTC") is 2023-07-28 02:32:07 UTC (2:30 AM tomorrow).

I get this URL for MSFT: https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/MSFT?period1=1658955159&period2=1690491159&interval=1d&events=history&includeAdjustedClose=true

Those period values are very close to my local time 2023-07-27 15:52:39 CDT. They're one hour ahead, which suggests the period values are based on the exchange time (MSFT exchange time is US/Eastern).

I need to test more, but it seems like this is the cause of the issue.

We would need to check for an exchange suffix to determine the exchange timezone based solely on the ticker. Instead of doing that, I'm going to add/subtract a day from the to/from dates and then subset the resulting xts object to the user-supplied dates.

joshuaulrich avatar Jul 27 '23 19:07 joshuaulrich

I added/subtracted a day from the to/from dates and then subset the result. Then I discovered that Yahoo returns data for today while the market is open. I'm not sure if this is good or bad...

##            MSFT.Open MSFT.High MSFT.Low MSFT.Close MSFT.Volume MSFT.Adjusted
## 2007-01-03     29.91    30.250    29.40      29.86    76935100      21.52598
## 2007-01-04     29.70    29.970    29.44      29.81    45774500      21.48994
## 2007-01-05     29.63    29.750    29.45      29.64    44607200      21.36739
## 2007-01-08     29.65    30.100    29.53      29.93    50220200      21.57644
## 2007-01-09     30.00    30.180    29.73      29.96    44636600      21.59807
## 2007-01-10     29.80    29.890    29.43      29.66    55017400      21.38180
## 2007-01-11     29.76    30.750    29.65      30.70    99464300      22.13154
## 2007-01-12     30.65    31.390    30.64      31.21   103972500      22.49919
## 2007-01-16     31.26    31.450    31.03      31.16    62379600      22.46314
## 2007-01-17     31.26    31.440    31.01      31.10    58519600      22.41990
##        ...
## 2023-07-17    345.68   346.990   342.20     345.73    20363900     345.73001
## 2023-07-18    345.83   366.780   342.17     359.49    64872700     359.48999
## 2023-07-19    361.75   362.460   352.44     355.08    39732900     355.07999
## 2023-07-20    353.57   357.970   345.37     346.87    33778400     346.87000
## 2023-07-21    349.15   350.300   339.83     343.77    69368900     343.76999
## 2023-07-24    345.85   346.920   342.31     345.11    26678100     345.10999
## 2023-07-25    347.11   351.890   345.07     350.98    41637700     350.98001
## 2023-07-26    341.44   344.670   333.11     337.77    58383700     337.76999
## 2023-07-27    340.48   341.330   329.05     330.72    39563000     330.72000
## 2023-07-28    333.67   340.005   333.17     338.75    13756324     338.75000  <-- today

joshuaulrich avatar Jul 28 '23 16:07 joshuaulrich

Actually, I don't think data for today is returned during market hours. I just ran the following code at ~ 12:20pm ET

Today data is only returned if to = Sys.Date() + 1

> getSymbols("MSFT", auto.assign = FALSE, from = '2023-07-25')

           MSFT.Open MSFT.High MSFT.Low MSFT.Close MSFT.Volume MSFT.Adjusted
2023-07-25 347.11    351.89    345.07   350.98     41637700    350.98
2023-07-26 341.44    344.67    333.11   337.77     58383700    337.77
2023-07-27 340.48    341.33    329.05   330.72     39635300    330.72
2023-07-28 333.67    340.01    333.17   338.37     28463000    338.37
2023-07-31 336.92    337.70    333.36   335.92     25421600    335.92

> getSymbols("MSFT", auto.assign = FALSE, from = '2023-07-25', to = Sys.Date())

           MSFT.Open MSFT.High MSFT.Low MSFT.Close MSFT.Volume MSFT.Adjusted
2023-07-25 347.11    351.89    345.07   350.98     41637700    350.98
2023-07-26 341.44    344.67    333.11   337.77     58383700    337.77
2023-07-27 340.48    341.33    329.05   330.72     39635300    330.72
2023-07-28 333.67    340.01    333.17   338.37     28463000    338.37
2023-07-31 336.92    337.70    333.36   335.92     25421600    335.92

> getSymbols("MSFT", auto.assign = FALSE, from = '2023-07-25', to = Sys.Date() + 1)

           MSFT.Open MSFT.High MSFT.Low MSFT.Close MSFT.Volume MSFT.Adjusted
2023-07-25 347.11    351.89    345.07   350.98     41637700    350.98
2023-07-26 341.44    344.67    333.11   337.77     58383700    337.77
2023-07-27 340.48    341.33    329.05   330.72     39635300    330.72
2023-07-28 333.67    340.01    333.17   338.37     28463000    338.37
2023-07-31 336.92    337.70    333.36   335.92     25421600    335.92
2023-08-01 335.19    338.32    333.71   337.74     9212780     337.74

billelev avatar Aug 01 '23 16:08 billelev

@billelev your observation is consistent with mine. Sorry for the confusion.

The reason it doesn't return data for today when you use Sys.Date() is because Dates are midnight UTC. Midnight UTC on 2023-08-01 is +4 hours from America/New_York (the exchange timezone). So the request to Yahoo stops at 2023-07-31 20:00:00 America/New_York (UTC -04:00), which is outside of today's market hours.

My proposed change was to effectively use Sys.Date() + 1 so the request always included the data from the from date.

EDIT: here's another oddity in current behavior. You get today's data if your timezone is Asia/Tokyo (because it's 2023-08-02 02:12:00 in Tokyo right now).

Sys.setenv(TZ = "Asia/Tokyo")
tail(quantmod::getSymbols("MSFT", auto.assign = FALSE))
##            MSFT.Open MSFT.High MSFT.Low MSFT.Close MSFT.Volume MSFT.Adjusted
## 2023-07-25    347.11    351.89   345.07     350.98    41637700        350.98
## 2023-07-26    341.44    344.67   333.11     337.77    58383700        337.77
## 2023-07-27    340.48    341.33   329.05     330.72    39635300        330.72
## 2023-07-28    333.67    340.01   333.17     338.37    28463000        338.37
## 2023-07-31    336.92    337.70   333.36     335.92    25421600        335.92
## 2023-08-01    335.19    338.54   333.71     338.03    10426627        338.03

joshuaulrich avatar Aug 01 '23 17:08 joshuaulrich

@joshuaulrich that makes sense.

I did some more testing this morning. The web page has the same date behavior. i.e. if you request historical data for today's date, it will display the date range with a today - 1 adjustment. I do think the most robust approach is to change the from/to dates by -1/+1 and then do a post-request filter.

billelev avatar Aug 03 '23 14:08 billelev