
Results 5 issues of puuu

Since v0.12.0, the esp32 platform is supported thanks to @Bacto in #11 . Due to lack of esp32 hardware, this is not yet tested. If you can test it, please...

# What does this implement/fix? Add a pvvx_mithermometer display platform that allows to use devices running the [ATC_MiThermometer firmware](https://github.com/pvvx/ATC_MiThermometer) by pvvx as display drivers with ESPHome. ## Types of changes...

integration: pvvx_mithermometer

By testing the issue described in #186 I found that `check_msg()` did not work as expected in case of reconnection. This isssue may be related to #102 ... I can...

## Description: Documentation for pvvx_mithermometer display platform. **Related issue (if applicable):** fixes **Pull request in [esphome](https://github.com/esphome/esphome) with YAML changes (if applicable):** esphome/esphome#3333 ## Checklist: - [x] Branch: `next` is for...


Hi! Thank you for the great custom firmware! I created a display component for [esphome](https://esphome.io/). The pull request can be found at https://github.com/esphome/esphome/pull/3333 . It also allows to synchronize the...