
Results 44 comments of puuu

If you are interested in `devtype`, you are welcome to submit a pull request. `hwtype` is always `RF433` and does not need to be exposed. If I look at the...

Which devices do you use? Are you sure they are using the `clarus_switch` protocol? It does not look like this.

See also pilight/pilight#270, since this protocol do not send a footer that can be easily detected it required rewriting of core components. Best is to wait for integration into pilight....

pilight/pilight#270 is close and the fork is not in active development. Meanwhile [TFA 2017](https://manual.pilight.org/protocols/433.92/weather/tfa2017.html) has been implemented for pilight. The description refers to a [pdf](http://www.osengr.org/WxShield/Downloads/Weather-Sensor-RF-Protocols.pdf) stating that it is the...

Hi @hycday , thank you for testing ESPiLight! Probably, this is not an ESP32 issue. I expect you use the master branch and did not followed the README (same as...

What kind of weather sensor you are using? Is the protocol supported by pilight? What is the output of the [Receive example](https://github.com/puuu/ESPiLight/blob/master/examples/Receive/Receive.ino)? Of all protocol I know, the message send...

Please try to change `MIN_PULSE_LENGTH` from `130` to `160` in [src/pilight/libs/pilight/protocols/433.92/impuls.c](https://github.com/puuu/ESPiLight/blob/release/src/pilight/libs/pilight/protocols/433.92/impuls.c#L34). I reported an issue with the impulse protocol on the [pilight forum](https://forum.pilight.org/showthread.php?tid=10&pid=18304#pid18304) but, unfortunately, there is was no answer.

Thank you for your report. Unfortunately I can not reproduce it. Please show a log of a debug output (if you experiences restarts, report the output on the serial port)....

Are you using the latest version of MQTT433gateway? MQTT433gateway uses digest authentication to prevent the password from being sent as plain text on every Web request. I do not have...

Did you have [npm/Node.js](https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm) installed? Basically, the build should not fail, if npm is not available, but I never tested it on Windows systems.