Pushkal Katara

Results 58 comments of Pushkal Katara

Hi, I am trying to integrate Materon DST100 using Arduino Mega, I want to receive the data on arduino serial and print on Arduino Serial monitor. I tried using the...

Hi. sorry for the late reply. I appended the directive to the .ino file ` #define USE_MCP_CAN_CLOCK_SET 8`, still, there was nothing being printed on the Serial monitor. I checked...

Hi, I tried using the following ``` #define USE_MCP_CAN_CLOCK_SET 8 #include ``` Still no data on the serial monitor. What might be the issue? I can hear a ticking sound...

Thanks for the reply, we are using a ready sheild, it has a 8Mhz clock and a 120 ohm terminal resistor. I am using the directive USE_MCP_CAN_CLOCK_SET 8, still there...

What might be the issue. I am getting the same error ``` 18:09:22.176 -> 67668 : Pri:3 PGN:127488 Source:22 Dest:255 Len:8 Data:0,F8,43,FF,FF,7F,FF,FF 18:09:22.176 -> PGN 129026 send failed 18:09:22.176 ->...

Thanks for the prompt response, I'll debug with the wiring and the transceiver.

@metastableB `numpy.memmap` does not store the dims, [dtypes](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36769378/flushing-numpy-memmap-to-npy-file), thus we would have to mention the test, train, val dims and dtypes in `SRNN_example.py`. Also, I have seen generally h5py or...

I can work on it. We would require to save the pandas data-frame in a format `csv` or `pickel` or `h5`. which one should i use?

@metastableB Yes, I'll make the changes today.

Error reproduction ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "process_google.py", line 257, in numFilt, samplerate, winlen, winstep) File "process_google.py", line 173, in extractFeatures allSamples = np.zeros((len(fileList), maxlen)) MemoryError ```