Pull Request Analyser

Results 273 comments of Pull Request Analyser

Messages :book: :clipboard: Missing Changelog - Can you add a Changelog? To do so, add a "## Changelog" section to your PR description. A changelog entry has the following format:...

PR build artifact for f117fc2986c5ad272f4a1ad4c1a5fc7b98c9e80c is ready. To use, download tarball from "Artifacts" tab in [this CircleCI job](https://circleci.com/gh/facebook/react-native/324442) then run `yarn add ` in your React Native project.

PR build artifact for 1589f7bbfc8f88c5626179e2bd5788ce5606ce9f is ready. To use, download tarball from "Artifacts" tab in [this CircleCI job](https://circleci.com/gh/facebook/react-native/346008) then run `yarn add ` in your React Native project.

PR build artifact for 1589f7bbfc8f88c5626179e2bd5788ce5606ce9f is ready. To use, download tarball from "Artifacts" tab in [this CircleCI job](https://circleci.com/gh/facebook/react-native/346019) then run `yarn add ` in your React Native project.

PR build artifact for 2d46f007d05f67fbbee54f1459d33cbce8e6923d is ready. To use, download tarball from "Artifacts" tab in [this CircleCI job](https://circleci.com/gh/facebook/react-native/346109) then run `yarn add ` in your React Native project.

PR build artifact for 2d46f007d05f67fbbee54f1459d33cbce8e6923d is ready. To use, download tarball from "Artifacts" tab in [this CircleCI job](https://circleci.com/gh/facebook/react-native/346112) then run `yarn add ` in your React Native project.

PR build artifact for 12b028a4e925bf6a3f3bf07d64d84161919725d8 is ready. To use, download tarball from "Artifacts" tab in [this CircleCI job](https://circleci.com/gh/facebook/react-native/346371) then run `yarn add ` in your React Native project.

PR build artifact for 12b028a4e925bf6a3f3bf07d64d84161919725d8 is ready. To use, download tarball from "Artifacts" tab in [this CircleCI job](https://circleci.com/gh/facebook/react-native/346377) then run `yarn add ` in your React Native project.

PR build artifact for 355c7d2e6acc9a2dba87620db1036db0dd1f65ba is ready. To use, download tarball from "Artifacts" tab in [this CircleCI job](https://circleci.com/gh/facebook/react-native/331469) then run `yarn add ` in your React Native project.

PR build artifact for 0254c3a23d761e512a781031a1afd88173486c3a is ready. To use, download tarball from "Artifacts" tab in [this CircleCI job](https://circleci.com/gh/facebook/react-native/336462) then run `yarn add ` in your React Native project.