
Results 83 comments of Pavel

Any news on that? I would also like the abbility to use element as @ataft suggested.

I believe it's a duplicate of Looking forward to this feature for a few months yet.

Actually it would be great if the "selector" accepts the following: 1. selector string (as it works now) 2. single jQuery element 3. a set of jQuery elements 4. self...

As you could see we had a few ideas under discussion on how to implement some kind of pagination (lazy loading), but there was no straight way found to keep...

This solution is too specific. There is another, more general, idea to handle this case. The concept of themes will be reworked, so that each theme will include own css...

Right. You can find fancybox implementation example in the `demo` folder:

1. RFM utilizes [jQuery-File-Upload]( package by Blueimp with a number of modifications, but the thumbnail creation process remained almost original. This means you could refer to Wiki or Stackoverflow questions...

RFM utilizes plugin for images lazy loading. I bet it's not because of images, but due to a large amount of files/folders. This is known issue, but the batch loading...

Put filemanager into your webroot folder and try again. If you will get the same result, you should consider your environment as a cause of the problem. In any case...

Why don't you just load filemanager via iframe? In this case there no matter what the root is and where the filemanager is located (if you mean script web root...