Hello, if the fan is indeed a bit noisy could you please provide a video to see as i am not sure why it would do this only with PETG...
Hello, for us to process each of these issues could you please personally send us an email to [email protected] as i cant troubleshoot this like this for a group chat....
Hello Brian, ok thank you for the information and any pictures or videos if possible would help to see the issue. Best regards / Cordialement / Mit freundlichen GrüßenDouglas Whyte...
HI there, could you please provide a video of these issues for me to see or hear the fan. Best regards / Cordialement / Mit freundlichen GrüßenDouglas Whyte Customer Support...
Hi there, i can send you a replacement fan for this but would need the order number as i cant seem to find the account details. Best regards / Cordialement...
Hello, Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, we have been quite overwhelmed, following the release of our newsletter to over 100,000 people last week. The newest version...
For the MK2.5-3s printers, the print fan will almost certainly not change. Unless, there was some trouble with getting the same fan supplied to us, which is very unlikely. Best...
Hello, I believe the filament sensor is giving false lectures and stopping the printer. It happens when the filament has bright or transparent colors. There are 2 things you can...
Hello, Yes, let me know how is going. Also, thanks for feedback and I will add your suggestion to our 'customer wishes' list. Regards, — Blas Palencia Customer Support PRUSA...
Hello Daniel. We are sorry to hear that. Can you please me send me pictures of the failed printed models and describe the problems better? Which model where you printing?...