Thanks you very much. I used to code using the Ruby language. But I have no RAIL skills. I will give RAIL a try as soon as possible. Regards, Baptiste.
Sadly this is not easy as this require a new small font witch consume more program space.
I Ishachar. Excuse me for this late reply ! Sadly I don't have any practice in Android programming. But I know that : -> It's possible to use C++ with...
Hello ! This is not the problem. "Standard deviation" is just the measure of acceleration data "quality". For each orientations, the calibrator record the measure only if the Standard deviation...
Hi PbWild ! Which branch do you use ? -> If you use the master-Samd21 branch the accelerometer calibration is not implemented yet. -> If you use the jpg63-M0-version branch,...
I'am really sorry ! You're right. There is a bug in the calibrator that can cause overflow with high speed micro controllers. The bug is corrected in the master branch....
The problem is now corrected. The "calibration.ino" sketch run and display correct values. But the calibration correction coefficient are still not recorded. Jpg63 you need to port the last correction...
Hi ! You're right ! But as the magnetometer is not really used actually, I don't have taken the time to update the README. The target feature is wind speed/direction...
Hi Andi ! I'am happy that you find my Kalman code helpful ! It was the reason that motivate me starting this project. I'am interested about your project and how...
Hi Kostas ! Currently I try to finish my code for Atmega328P as it is the most common hardware used by Arduino hobbyist. But I can help you if you...