arduino-variometer copied to clipboard
Hi prunkdump
thanks for publishing your vario solution. It was very helpful for my own project - especially vertaccel and kalmanvert. Performs really nice.
I plan to do make an enhanced version where speed also goes into the equation, known as TECS. There are already calculations available. But the ones I know don't make a fusion of vertaccel, pressure and speed. I would like to have this in a Kalman filter - for the time being I lack the knowledge how to do that.
Do you maybe have some hints ?
regards Andi
Hi Andi !
I'am happy that you find my Kalman code helpful ! It was the reason that motivate me starting this project.
I'am interested about your project and how your embed my code. I need as much feedbacks as possible to improve my libraries. Can you send me some ?
This week a have a lot a work. But I can send you a three dimensional Kalman code. I just need a little time to writing it well. But be careful that it will be more computer intensive.
Last question. Do you use your MPU9250 with a 3.5V arduino ? I have some trouble using my Kalman filter with only 3.5V (Atemega328P + MPU9250 + ms5611). But maybe it's an hardware problem.
Maybe you can email me on :
prunkdump at gmail dot com
So I can send you private messages.
Regards, Baptiste.
Hi Baptiste
I was late with an answer because I didn't notice your reply. Did you receive my email ?
Hi Baptiste, Do you consider changing AVR to something like SAMD21, more performance, memory. I have a little project that I'm working on the last 6 months and I've reached the Arduino micro limits that's why I've
I'm migrating the entire project to MicroZero that has also SD build-in. I'm integrating to it your 5611 code and adding the GPS functionality. All information send to the user via voice messages thru the headsets.
Best, Kostas
Hi Kostas !
Currently I try to finish my code for Atmega328P as it is the most common hardware used by Arduino hobbyist.
But I can help you if you want. You just want an ms5611 library for cortex M0 ?
Regards, Baptiste.