Maxim Portnyagin

Results 6 issues of Maxim Portnyagin

Hi. Thanks for this library. Previous version support tempAuth in Swift. Latest version is not support? And maybe you know working docker contrainer for run openstack swift with keystone to...

Then bot send keyboard with switch_inline_query_current_chat param, app wrong select user id and set Field text to @user_name and query, but right is @bot_user_name and query.

We have auto generated method: ``` method( :post, "setChatMenuButton", [{chat_id, [:integer], :optional}, {menu_button, [MenuButton], :optional}], true, "Use this method to change the bot's menu button in a private chat, or...

I try to edit message: ``` context |> edit( :inline, "Give your phone", reply_markup: %ReplyKeyboardMarkup{ keyboard: [ [ %KeyboardButton{ text: "📲 Get phone", request_contact: true } ], [ %KeyboardButton{ text:...

I need all outgoing messages to be saved in the database. How can this be implemented with minimal costs?

### Checklist - [x] I am reporting an issue in existing functionality that does not work as intended - [x] I've searched for existing [GitHub issues]( ### Description I have...
